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We got a chance to revenge our loses from this year. WestWood, Gunz, poorboyz, and what it do are all still alive in the playoffs
Top Rivals
opponentrec vsstreak
Teligon Gunz(5-5)L 1
Westwood(7-1)W 6
AmFamFit(8-0)W 8
D-Mob(7-0)W 7
VDP(6-0)W 6
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Recent Seasons
Virginia Flag Football Association(4-0)
Virginia Flag Football Association(3-1)
2014 Winter
Virginia Flag Football Association(4-0)
2014 Fall
Fairfax County Flag Football League(7-0-1)
2013 Winter
IFFL Fairfax Winter Flag Football League(7-0)
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