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date: 07-23-2011comment poster: They
Got ripped up in that game douche

date: 07-22-2011comment poster: crack???
look at that bammas eyes ? who dressed her?

date: 07-22-2011comment poster: woops
wow. i was just jokin bout slash and hollywood there. didn`t realize it would push some buttons.

date: 07-22-2011comment poster: not talking
about the shorts buddy

date: 07-22-2011comment poster: ^
really with a score of 14-12

date: 07-21-2011comment poster: They
Got ripped up in that game douche

date: 07-21-2011comment poster:
Oh yeah, I know who it is that took these pics that day at arrowhead. Remember, revenge is a m o t

date: 07-21-2011comment poster:
You guys are some clowns.

date: 07-21-2011comment poster: woops
with all that hardware can slash not afford new shorts?

not to forget, if hollywood would sta

date: 07-21-2011comment poster: funny
you would get tired trying to shine all of Slashs hardware.....

date: 07-21-2011comment poster: hehehe
the two worst qb`s in one pic priceless
